Weekly Photo Challenge: Free Spirit

ImageThis weeks photo challenge stumped me at first. How do I show free spirit? Who do I know that is a completely free spirit? I had no clue, which is, I guess in some ways, the point of the weekly photo challenge. It makes you take time and really look at the world. I know I have been doing mostly posts about horses because that is the type of art I typically do, so I wanted to do something different this time.

I started by looking through all of my old photos. This picture is a picture of my grandfather taken in 2007 with his dog/wolf Blackie. To understand why I used this picture, you need to understand a little bit about my grandpa Jack. He lives in Alaska in a small town called Wrangell on his boat with his dog. He is currently 82 years old and still going strong. My grandpa doesn’t have your typical day job, he is a prospector. He builds trails, and camps and hauls canoes to where he thinks some type of precious stone or gold might be. He doesn’t have a lot, but he enjoys what he does so much that he doesn’t care if he make money at it. He lives at the end of the road in the middle of nowhere. He lives day by day his own way, and nothing anyone can say could change his mind. And isn’t that what a free spirit does?