Love of Horses

ImageMy brother, Erich, and his fiance’, Kate, were visiting for a few days this week.  We were going through old photos to show Kate what Erich looked like when he was little.  I came across this picture of me at Yellowstone, age 4.  I really always loved horses, as you can tell from many of my pieces of artwork.

Hope you don’t think this is dorky–I just really wanted to share it with you.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Solitary

ImageThe weekly photo challenge this time was solitary. I just got some black and white film developed and this one just kind of popped out at me as representing that concept. Since I mostly take pictures of horses for my work, it tends to be what I have to pick from. I took this picture at the Evergreen State Fair a few weeks ago when I was there with one of my friends. I love taking black and white pictures because I feel like adds a certain amount of romance or nostalgia to the picture. I will be posting more of my photos in the days to come, stay tuned!

New Sketch

This is the new sketch I just finished. It doesn’t have a name and I’m not sure I’m going to name it until I have redone it on illustration board. The problem is I did the picture on watercolor paper because I wanted to try a different style of shading. I thought the idea turned out rather nice so I added color. The water color paper does not take the ink as well as the illustration board. I feel like it isn’t as colorful or shiny as when its on the thicker board. Its been a really long process of trial and error working with this stuff, but that’s why I always try new colors and ideas on something besides the illustration board. I really don’t want the colors to turn out wrong after I have spent days working on an illustration.

Today was one of my days off. I almost don’t know what to do with myself on my days off… I’ve kind of taken up knitting, but its never really been my thing. I mostly do knitting to keep my hands busy and my mind occupied. I really enjoy reading, but I don’t really have the disposable income to buy them. Everything tends to go to art supplies or for trips to promote the art. I would go to the library but they don’t have the biggest selection of my favorite genre, science fiction. And what they do have I’ve already read. So I’m always looking for new cheap hobbies if anyone has any suggestions.

I’m excited for this weekend. I’m going to go take pictures of horses at the fairgrounds. I like going to take pictures because I feel like I work better from real life. Its a lot easier for me than trying to make things up in my head. The basics are there, I just put my own take on them. Well I guess that’s all I have for today.

Running Mustang Concept-Web-WMC